adam eve and lilith?
Adam Eve and Lilith?


Timothy Maggenti
8 min readJul 22, 2021


Adam’s first wife was not Eve? Yes, I know all of us grew up being told that it was Eve, right? I was dumbfounded when I learned it was actually Lilith. Who the heck was Lilith I thought?

When I found out is that Lilith was Adam’s first wife, and the crazy story is horrifying and amazing. This is why I had to share it with you today. Something maybe even more amazing is I did not learn about this from a Church. No, it’s a little website called You should also read that article after you read mine because it has even more information This link will take you to the original article.

Nexus Bible is just full of incredible knowledge most of it is not your typical knowledge. There are lots of answers to the hard questions that everyone has. Why you were born, what happens when you die, etc. Whenever you read a statement or an answer to a question on Nexus Bible it is answered with quotes from the bible itself. That way you know you’re actually getting the real truth, not someone’s opinion.

Who Was Enoch?

This information comes from the book of Enoch. Just in case your not familiar with Enoch, and who he was? Enoch was 7th from Adam, in Jude 1:14 it says “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,”

As you can see Enoch was a prophet back when Adam was still alive. Just to be clear, prophets get their word directly from God or one of God’s Angles. Jude who was Jesus Christ’s younger brother gives credence to this story from Enoch since Jude felt it was important enough to include him in the canonized bible.

All of this comes from what is called the “Apocrypha of Enoch”. If you’re not familiar with the word “Apocrypha”. It is biblical writing, that was not approved by the church. Only what they approved became the “accepted canon” of Scripture we call the bible today. The word “Bible” just means “The Book”, which is the most printed and read book to ever exist, with over 5 billion copies.

Not bad for a book called “the book”, right? It is not a catchy title like you see today LOL!


Apocrypha just means the church did not approve of this scripture, oh no! I have no idea why they did not approve of these scriptures. But I would be willing to bet they did not fit into the church’s narrative of that day.

It turns out that the Apocrypha was included in the King James Bible, back in 1611. I purchased a modern copy of it from Amazon, Oh and that is an affiliate link, I will get at least 12 cents if you buy a copy so buy lots of them okay, LOL

Just remember this is a reproduction of the original 1611 King James Bible, and parts kinda hard to read. For example something as simple as “he”, could be “hee, or hie” Also “I” look like and “F” which gets me all kinds of mixed up and all the numbers are Roman numerals which I was never good at. But it is still worth the small amount they want for it, simply because it contains a lot of extra information.

Some of these old scriptures seem different to us today and maybe that is why they did not include them anymore, who knows. I just remember what Paul told us in

II Tim 3:16–17 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness”.

So how can we go wrong learning more about our scriptural-based history? Why would Jude quote Enoch? Really Jude quoting Enoch gives Enoch a lot of legitimacy at least to me and I would think you too.


Here is the story about Lilith. It turns out Lilith was created by God to be Adam’s wife. However, Lilith herself was not in favor of having Adam above her in any way, including in the bedroom if you know what I mean.

Lilith was even quoted as saying, “I want the superior position”, oh!

Another thing is that Adam and Lilith apparently argued constantly and could not seem to get along. The part that bugged me was, have you ever had a relationship where you loved someone who did not return that love. I really got the impression that Adam loved Lilith but she did not return that love. Lilith’s whole argument was that God created them at the same time, so what? We all must do what we are told by God, even if we do not like it.

Yes, they were created at the same time. Either way, she was not going to have anyone in charge of her. And the way it sounds they may not have even had a chance to consummate their marriage between the husband and wife relationship.

This story so far is very sad, but it is just getting started. It really goes really bad, it’s like a scary movie you would see today, trust me keep reading. Another thing that really bothers me is she could have been the mother of everyone. But her attitude stoped that. Even after God told her it will go this way. She still contended that she should be in charge of Adam.

Now it gets real

Lilith started to get very very angry. In fact, she became so enraged that she actually dared to “pronounced the holy and ineffable name of God“. Do you have any idea what this does? Well, you’re about to learn just how powerful God’s name really is.

Corrupting the power of the name, she flew into the air, changing form, and disappeared, soaring out of sight.”

Okay, it just got very real! I told you this was scary. This is not a science fiction movie, this is a real-life and death situation.

So as we all know we are not to take God’s name in vain. Now you know why we have that commandment. But, can you imagine just how angry and upset she was? I mean she changed form, (but into what form?), and then she disappeared! As in out of sight? Just how crazy was all of that? Also just how sad was Adam at this point, I mean he loved her?

Lilith Changes

At this point, Adam just stood there and he was now all alone. He just lost his wife, I just can not imagine how Adam felt. I am sure Adam was trying to make sense out of all of this. So Adam prayed to God the Father saying

“The woman you gave to me has run away”

So God sent not one but three Angles to go and get Lilith and they were told to bring her back to Adam. Those Angles finally caught up to Lilith and they ordered her to go back to Adam. Remember these were God’s orders. Lilith again refused to obey God’s orders.

Can you imagine, she actually said no to God the creator of everything including the entire universe! Things went really bad at this point.

“As her rebellion increased, she changed, becoming more and more ugly and demonic.”

At this point, God talks to Lilith and said:

“You have chosen this evil path, and so shall you become evil. You are cursed from now until the end of days”.

Oh my, what a horrible situation for Lilith to be in. She became evil, but what does that mean? Also until the “End of Days?” I would say this means until Jesus returns, right?


Lilith finally realized what was happening and told the Angles.

“I have become this, created to cause sickness, to kill children, which I will never have, and to torment men.”

Wow, can you believe this? At this point, she changed:

“With those words, she completed her demonic transformation.”

Lilith transformed into what is called a “succubus”. What is a Succubus? I had never even heard of a succubus before this so I looked it up on the internet

Succubus: “Confined to the night, she is destined to roam the earth, seeking newborn babes, stealing their lives, and strangling them in their sleep. She torments men even now, causing lust and evil dreams. Her rebellious and evil spirit forever traps her. Bound in the darkness of her own heart, Lilith became the mistress and lover to the legion of demons.”

Do you get the point of all of this? This means that Lilith is still alive even today!

Adam is alone now

At this point, poor Adam felt horrible. I mean he loved her, and he mourned for his love Lilith, and he was truly all alone. So things just went bad for everyone, Lilith and for Adam and all in one single day.

One thing that this teaches all of us is that God is the only one really in charge of everything. So at this point, God could not bring back Lilith.

And God said, “It is not good for man to be alone.”

Now begins the story that all of us know, where God took one of Adam’s ribs and made Eve. Can you see why the church would not want this in the bible and decided not to include the Lilith story? Besides the fact that the whole story is bizarre, it is one of the saddest stories I have ever heard.

Okay, so it also has that science fiction element that would make an incredible movie to see, except it is a real story, in real life. This is probably one of the best stories to prove that we all need to obey every word of God.


Do you see how this story can help people today? Everyone seems to think that God is no big deal. Heck, most people do not even go to church anymore. They do not think they need that old religious stuff. The churches do not teach the truth today that much is proven with this story.

Maybe if they did actually tell the truth, people would not rebel. People would not lie in every other word. People would not be killing each other. There are so many lessons that the past teaches us to not do. And yet we keep making the same mistakes over and over.

People need to hear stories like this from our real past. Otherwise, they can not learn from them. As the author pointed out anyone who does not know their past is doomed to repeat it. Wow, today sure proves that. People are afraid to go outside because they can get the covid-19 thing or shot, or robbed. Today people just have no idea what will come next.

The bible is full of stories that can lead us to realize how to live. It really is a shame that religion as a whole has been shut down by the Government and in schools. The united states of America were formed under God. Just look at the dollar bill, it will tell you. What happened to us, really?



Timothy Maggenti
Timothy Maggenti

Written by Timothy Maggenti

God comes first, then my Wife, then my Family, there is a natural order to everything.

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